Precision Fire Protection News

Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition and NFPA Offer Resources for Sprinkler Week

Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition and NFPA Offer Resources for Sprinkler Week

May 19-25 is Home Fire Sprinkler Week is a project of the National Fire Protection Association, (NFPA) Fire Sprinkler Initiative and the Home Fire Sprinkler Coaltion. It unites safety advocates nationwide around the extreme risks of home fires and the need for more home fire sprinkler protection. HFSC offers the following media resources. 

Short Easy-to-Understand Consumer Videos

In this digital age, attention spans are short. These new videos help you share very basic facts in record time. Each video is 90 seconds or shorter. In addition to communicating quickly, the videos are designed in formats that you can email, upload to your website and in your PowerPoint presentations, and share via Facebook, Twitter and other social media. Topics covered include:

This Home Can Save Your Life Brochure and Box

No matter how much safety information is available online, many people still prefer to read and keep pamphlets on hand. This brochure was developed to provide consumers with updated facts about why home fires can become deadly in less than two minutes and how home fire sprinklers give people extra time to escape.

This brochure is the companion to the Sprinklered House Tool Box. This sturdy box, shaped like a house, features a genuine home fire sprinkler and educational messages. The box supports the system of home fire safety story: why you need working smoke alarms and escape planning and practice, and why home fire sprinklers provide the ultimate protection.

The box is the perfect educational tool when talking to the media, consumers and other stakeholders. You’ll want to keep it handy to use following home fires and at all your educational and code activity presentations.

For many years, HFSC’s kit for people living in homes protected with home fire sprinklers has been widely used by fire departments, sprinkler contractors and home builders. Now it’s updated, with a customizable hangtag that illustrates typical riser features and some basic information, including how to do routine flow tests. The Kit includes a new illustrated brochure that helps residents understand the fire protection they have and know how to maintain it.



Reproducible Safety Sheets

Based on feedback from the fire service, we’ve put together new information that you can download and reproduce to educate a variety of your audiences, from the public to local officials to community planners and developers. The sheets can be customized with your fire department name and information and easily duplicated. They address the following key topics:

Deadly in two minutes or less – Can you survive a home fire?

Protect what you value most with home fire sprinklers.

When you build or buy a home ask for Fire sprinklers.

Do you know the facts about home fire sprinklers?

Home fire sprinklers: part of community risk reduction.

HFSC offers a wealth of additional free information and material that will help you make Home Fire Sprinkler Week a hit in your community. You can also see what is available at NFPA Fire Sprinkler Initiative HOME FIRE SPRINKLER WEEK and  the Home Fire Sprinkler Week event map.

Fire Sprinkler Installation & Management
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